Good governance is fundamental to what we do and we have a framework in place that ensures high standards on governance, health and safety, audit, risk and probity.
Established in 1989, New Gorbals Housing Association is:
- Constituted as a not for profit Community Benefit Organisation, registered with the Financial Conduct Authority, with written Rules governing how we operate
- A registered Social Landlord regulated by the Scottish Housing Regulator
- A Scottish Charity registered with the Office of t he Scottish Charities Regulator
Membership of the Association costs £1 and is open to people living in our area of operation who can attend and vote at general meetings, seek election to the Management Committee, and vote in the election of Committee members.
Management Committee
The voluntary Management Committee is the Association's governing body, with control over key decisions and strategic direction. Committee members are Gorbals residents, as has been the case throughout our history. Our Rules permit a Management Committee of up to 18 members - 15 elected by the membership and up to three who can be appointed directly by the Committee if they feel it would benefit the Association (for example to broaden skills and experience).
Our Office Bearers, (Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary) are elected annually by the Committee.
Management Committee Structure
The Management Committee has established six sub committees to which it delegates certain responsibilities. The Association also has one wholly-owned subsidiary company.
Currently we have 12 Committee members, all of whom contribute to the work of the Sub-Committees. In addition, our Wider Action Sub-Committee has two co-opted community members.