Gorbals Ideas Fund – It’s All About Health Aug 24, 2018

The Gorbals Ideas Fund Community Panel are delighted to be working with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde in the next round of Participatory Budgeting in the Gorbals, with £10,000 available to support new, exciting ideas that focus on health.

Good health matters to everyone, with research from across the world clearly showing the links between health and happiness. But what is health? Most people know about physical health and mental health, but social and emotional health really matter too. Good social and emotional health generally mean people are happier, are better connected to their community, feeling less isolated and having things to look forward to and all of this contributes to keeping people healthy and well.

So if you have a project, activity or idea that addresses physical, mental, emotional or social health why not tell us about it?

Download the application pack below:


If you have any questions or queries, or would like the application pack in a different format, please don’t hesitate to contact Jo Speirs on 0141 429 3900 or email: johanna@newgorbalsha.org.uk