Laurieston Arena Jun 25, 2014

Work is underway on the creation of a new space in front of Norfolk Court in Laurieston, centred on the footprint of the tower block that once dominated the site.

The idea is to take the existing gap site and think about how it can be made available to the community during the years before it will be built on. Paths have been cleared into the site, the ground has been landscaped and a large circular area laid out on the ground, which can accommodate a range of activities.

The new space is designed so it can be developed for a wide variety of uses.  This Laurieston Arena will be responsive to ideas from the local community - for example, it can be a space for outdoor exhibition, for community gathering, for performance, for outdoor cinema, for play. The space is semi-permanent and over the next years, will connect to and give voice to the rich history of the local area, its people, places, interests, inspirations and aspirations – reflecting on the past to connect to what the future might hold for the area.

The creation of the new space is supported by Glasgow City Council, NGHA and Urban Union, and has been developed and designed by the arts organisation WAVEparticle with input from a variety of local groups including the Citizens Theatre and The Barn.

This space is one of a series of works developed by WAVEparticle as part of the art strategy for Laurieston.